Skimlinks Test


Sunday, 17 August 2014

Tips - Wardrobe Tidy Up

I don't know about you, but I think it's the perfect time of year for a little wardrobe tidy up/ clear out.

I'm quite embarrassed to say this is what my wardrobe looked like 'before'.. ^

Now for some tips.. 

1. Take everything out! (including non hanging stuff)
2. Make piles (keeping, donating, selling, not sure, etc..)
3. Buy new hangers and throw those nasty non matching plastic ones away! (I bought my new ones on eBay by searching for 'non slip hangers' and don't forgot some clips too - below) 

4. Clean/ hoover out your wardrobe!
5. Put everything back in and start sorting through all the stuff that isn't going back in. Depop and eBay are your best friends.

I'm not gonna lie, I also arranged my clothes in colour order too as I find this helps when I'm trying to find something specific.. 

I do have a box for these bits, but it doesn't fit in the gap.. (Tights etc.. as they won't fit in my underwear drawer).

Hope this helps somewhat..

Vicki xo

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